Home > Build a Leafy Mind
Leafy Mind Building Tips
To cultivate a leafy mind is to educate oneself on the principals of
sustainability, to make decisions in favor of mother Gaia, and to
teach others to do the same.

Many people follow a vegan lifestyle to try to live in a more conscious, compassionate and ecologically friendly way. Numerous studies have proven that average vegan diets have a far lower ecological impact than those that include meat, fish, or other animal products.However, the effect that we have on the ecosystem extends beyond what we

Many people think veganism means avoiding eating dead animals and their secretions, when In fact, it goes beyond this. At the heart of vegan thinking comes a desire for greater compassion for all beings. Every choice we make has a consequence, and vegan ethics aim to make the most compassionate choice and do the least

What exactly is a vegan? What are the reasons for becoming vegan? Let’s look at the 3 most common reasons people give.

Human life is intricately linked to the health of the soil. Whether you eat plants or animals, virtually all food, 95% of it, comes from the soil. The soil is a living organism that nourishes life on earth. Protecting, nurturing and improving the soil is essential for the future flourishing of the human species.Human beings

Going vegan is a difficult choice. Whether you are trying to avoid animal food products or clothes, society does not make it easy for you to stay away from what attempting vegans see as a different way of living.

For a way of life that offers so much, veganism is unfortunately shrouded in a blanket of myth and misunderstanding. One of those is the misconception that being vegan is expensive and only for the well off.

The revolution has arrived. Organic hemp has retaken its place on the mantle of vegan fabrics we can source. Learn more about this sustainable miracle plant inside.

Cotton is supposed to be the fabric of our lives, but is it vegan? What is the real difference in organic cotton and traditional cotton when it comes to vegan fashion? Learn this and much more inside…

The right mindset for going plant-based matters if you want it to last. This guide will show you how to go plant-based with less struggle and have more fun.

You’ve saved up your money, you have saved up your holiday time and now you can get ready for that trip you have been planning over the last while. Asia, Americas, Australia, Europe or Africa – each has its own unique environment

As a vegan, it’s important to be aware of the types of vegan and cruelty-free materials that are available out there. This makes it easier for you to make informed purchasing choices that are kind to the environment and to the animals.

Going vegan and looking at your wardrobe is frustrating. All you see is death, pollution, confusion and hypocrisy. You want to be an ambassador to the movement, but you also don’t want to throw away that expensive coat,

Is it really vegan? How do you even check? We’ve compiled 8 ways clever ways to know for sure. You may be surprised to learn…

It’s All About Your (Vegan) Attitude
Veganism is a whole-life approach. All aspects of one’s life become attuned to veganism and its fundamental rejection of animal cruelty and exploitation.
So it is that as much as one would not expect a vegan to purchase cosmetics knowing that […]

Focusing your diet around locally produced food is desirable for those trying to follow a vegan lifestyle for many reasons. Not only does it reduce your carbon footprint, but you’ll also find more nutrient-dense, fresher, tastier food. Eating locally produced food forces you to eat what’s seasonally available, thus expanding your ecological awareness and field

For one following a vegan lifestyle, finding what food you can and cannot eat can be wrought with difficulties. It’s easy to think that all fruit and vegetables are vegan, but unfortunately with industrialized agriculture, that assumption cannot be taken for granted. Aside from many agricultural practices that are decidedly non-vegan (see the previous blog) many

Maintaining optimal brain health and boosting brain health naturally is more important than ever. Especially in this fast-paced world full of different types of people and energy encounters. So, whether you are looking to sharpen your memory, enhance focus, or reduce stress, the right practices and supplements can make all the difference.Two powerful tools that

When it comes to pregnancy, a myriad of factors, elements, and pressures come into play, influenced by societal ‘norms’ and scientific knowledge. As a woman currently navigating the unique journey of pregnancy, being energetically aware and in tune with your body, it’s a challenging task to discern what is right versus what is not, especially
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